„Empowering Success“ starts with our suppliers


As a globally successful company, we are constantly looking for the most competitive, innovative and efficient suppliers. In the face of increasing competition in national and international markets, a reliable supplier base is becoming more and more indispensable. Also, since every business partner of Wieland is part of our customer promise. This is undisputable in order to ensure and deliver technological advanced products of outstanding quality. We therefore only source from carefully selected suppliers.


The main focus of our purchasing organization is on the concept of integrated procurement, in addition to commercial competitiveness. Together with our suppliers, we take the process concept into account and pursue a continuous improvement of our processes and products.




The topic of sustainability is an essential and integral part of our corporate strategy. Wieland also expects its suppliers to follow and comply with these aspects.




The implementation of the German Supply Chain Act


For over two hundred years, we have assumed responsibility as part of the society and actively helped to shape our environment.


This also includes the active implementation of the requirements of the German Supply Chain Act, passed by the German Bundestag in June 2021.

German Supply Chain Act


The protection of people and the environment has a great importance in Wieland's business activities. For us, this means that we must act in a safe, efficient and environmentally compatible manner and also transfer this responsibility to our suppliers.

Many of our customers and business partners must comply with the obligations of the German Supply Chain Act. They have a legitimate interest in Wieland's compliance with the due diligence obligations as a direct supplier.


We would like to give you an initial overview of our measures for implementing the German Supply Chain Act at Wieland.


Aspects of the human rights framework, working conditions and also sustainability have always been considered in the selection of suppliers. In accordance with the legal requirements of the German Supply Chain Act, we have further formalized our requirements in this regard. In future, we will subject our suppliers to a structured review in regular cycles and occasion-related, based on software tool and objective criteria. These results could have an influence of the supplier relationship. Human rights and environmental compliance are also implemented in our own business division. Our Code of Conduct and in particular the guideline of human rights and working conditions reflect Wieland's understanding of human rights values. 


You can find the current version of the policy statement human rights of the Wieland Group under “The most important documents for suppliers of the Wieland Group".


We will report on our compliance with due diligence as requested. 


Of course, the Wieland Group has also set up an (anonymous) complaints channel through which all (potentially) affected persons as well as their representatives and also other third parties can notify us of violations of human rights and the environment-related obligations mentioned in the German Supply Chain Act, both in our own business division but also at direct and indirect suppliers. We expressly welcome the early use of this reporting channel in order to avoid disadvantages with appropriate preventive measures and to be able to implement any necessary remedial measures as quickly as possible. Of course, we maintain confidentiality and take all reasonable precautions to protect the identity of the reporting person and avoid retaliation.


For more information on the various reporting channels, the process flow, and also the possibility of submitting a specific complaint as defined by the German Supply Chain Act, please visit https://integrity.wieland.com.


The protection of people and the environment has a great importance in Wieland's business activities. For us, this means that we must act in a safe, efficient and environmentally compatible manner and also transfer this responsibility to our suppliers.

Our sourcing portfolio – Your opportunity

The Wieland Group has a broad category group management system to assure an efficient and effective processing of the Group's requirements. This is divided into the following main procurement areas:

What we expect from our suppliers

To meet the required high standards in quality, efficiency and sustainability we phrased the following expectations as a basis for a successful cooperation with our suppliers.

We generally expect the following requirements from our suppliers:

  • An established quality management certification according to DIN ISO 9001 ff.
  • High competitiveness with regard to price, quality, adherence to delivery dates and flexibility
  • First-class organization and communication as well as best service and continuity
  • Compliance with all currently required and defined quality requirements

Additionally we expect the following factors to be followed in Global Procurement & Logistics:

  • Readiness for cost transparency for the identification of further optimization potentials
  • The spirit for innovations and assistance in the development of technical solutions
  • Independent data maintenance in the International Material Data System (IMDS)

The most important documents for suppliers of the Wieland Group

Please note that different conditions may apply to individual subsidiaries of the Wieland Group.

Special logistical requirements for deliveries can be found in the Online Notification.

In order to live up to our corporate responsibility, we are also guided by internationally recognized principles and standards, which we also expect from our suppliers.