Réz- és rézötvözetek


Rézötvözetek széles választékát kínáljuk.


Áttekintés réz- és rézötvözetek.

Teljes termékpalettánk

Egy adott helyszín termékportfóliójának megjelenítéséhez válasszon az alábbiak közül:


Nagy teljesítményű ötvözetek

Réz-nikkel ötvözetek

Öntészeti ötvözetek

Alacsonyan ötvözött rézötvözetek

Wieland EN Megnevezés EN-szám. ASTM UNS-szám.
K10 Cu-OFE CW009A -
K12 Cu-HCP CW021A C10300
K18/K32 Cu-ETP CW004A C11000
K30 Cu-OF CW008A C10200

Characteristics and properties of products / materials in this document are generic and provided solely for general information purposes. Any statement regarding the suitability of products / materials for certain types of applications is based on typical requirements and does not replace expert advice. Wieland disclaims all liability arising from any reliance on these documents.

Characteristics and properties of products / materials in this document are generic and provided solely for general information purposes. Any statement regarding the suitability of products / materials for certain types of applications is based on typical requirements and does not replace expert advice. Wieland disclaims all liability arising from any reliance on these documents.
Wieland EN Megnevezés EN-szám. ASTM UNS-szám.
K55 CuNi3Si1Mg* - C70250

Characteristics and properties of products / materials in this document are generic and provided solely for general information purposes. Any statement regarding the suitability of products / materials for certain types of applications is based on typical requirements and does not replace expert advice. Wieland disclaims all liability arising from any reliance on these documents.
Wieland EN Megnevezés EN-szám. ASTM UNS-szám.
L10/L13/L15 CuNi10Fe1Mn CW352H C70600
L30 CuNi30Mn1Fe CW354H C71500

Characteristics and properties of products / materials in this document are generic and provided solely for general information purposes. Any statement regarding the suitability of products / materials for certain types of applications is based on typical requirements and does not replace expert advice. Wieland disclaims all liability arising from any reliance on these documents.
Wieland EN Megnevezés EN-szám. ASTM UNS-szám.
G71 - - C65400
G72 - - C65500

Characteristics and properties of products / materials in this document are generic and provided solely for general information purposes. Any statement regarding the suitability of products / materials for certain types of applications is based on typical requirements and does not replace expert advice. Wieland disclaims all liability arising from any reliance on these documents.
Wieland EN Megnevezés EN-szám. ASTM UNS-szám.
eco KS2® CuSP CW114C C14700
K41 CuNi1Pb1P* - C19150 / C19160
K44 CuNi1Pb0.6P* - C19140 / C19150
KC1 CuPb1P CW113C C18700

Characteristics and properties of products / materials in this document are generic and provided solely for general information purposes. Any statement regarding the suitability of products / materials for certain types of applications is based on typical requirements and does not replace expert advice. Wieland disclaims all liability arising from any reliance on these documents.

Contact Person

Lépjen kapcsolatba velünk - Szakértőink réz- és rézötvözetek

Foto Fabio Schleicher Fabio Schleicher
Sales Director Machining Brass & Specialties
Wieland-Werke AG

Foto Florian Diesch Florian Diesch
SBU Manager | Heating & Cooling | BU Extruded Products
Wieland-Werke AG
+49 731 944 6326

Kein Foto vorhanden Oliver Bathray
Director Sales Electrical Engineering & Metal Goods | Rolled Products
Wieland-Werke AG
+49 731 944 2448

Foto Rainer Hepp Rainer Hepp
SBU Manager | Plumbing Wholesaler
Wieland-Werke AG
+49 731 944 1170

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