Wieland’s day care center “Copper Nest” opens officially

Your direct way to the Copper Nest
If you have any questions about the day care program or similar matters, please contact the Copper Nest team directly.
Janina Kröner
Director of the day care center
Graf-Arco-Str. 34/3
89079 Ulm
Press release text
Wieland’s day care center “Copper Nest” opens officially
- Official handover and opening of the Wieland day care center
- Space for up to 45 children in three groups
- Project volume of almost four million euros
Just in time before the first children arrive at the Wieland day care center “Copper Nest” (German: Kupfernest) at the beginning of September, Dr. Erwin Mayr, CEO of the Wieland Group, handed over the keys to Ingo Bergmann, Chairman of the Worker’s Welfare Association (German: Arbeiterwohlfahrt) in Ulm. In addition to Ulm's mayor Gunter Czisch, the architect Bernd Hullak and representatives of the respective trades took part in the festivities. Afterwards, the future "nestlings" and their parents were able to explore the day care center for themselves.
Within just 13 months, a paradise for children was created on a previous parking area on the company's premises. With around 900 square meters in size, the Wieland day care center includes three group rooms, each with its own sleeping and sanitary areas, an inclusion room and a large room for indoor activities. In addition, a large outdoor area with playground equipment made of natural materials invites children from nursery to school age to play. The building, which was assembled using a sustainable timber frame construction method and which has a green roof, is particularly economical and impressively demonstrates Wieland's family-oriented personnel policy. Dr. Erwin Mayr said, "Wieland is not only an employer, but also a reliable partner who actively supports all phases of its employees' lives. With our day care center, we are now making another important contribution to the compatibility of family and career." By the way, the Copper Nest is not only open to children whose parents work at Wieland. From September on, children of Husqvarna and Iveco employees may also benefit from the center’s services.
Educational concept
As with the building itself, the Copper Nest also sets benchmarks in the care it provides. The day care's "Early Excellence" educational approach is based on the premise that each child is unique and has potential. The goal is to encourage these abilities and skills on an individual basis. To this end, the seven educators at the Wieland daycare center work closely with the parents. Early Excellence creates the basis for children of all income levels to have the same educational opportunities at an early age. Currently, more than 500 facilities throughout Germany work according to the principles of Early Excellence. As part of Wieland's vocational training program, which among other things financially supports the further training of its own employees and awards scholarships throughout Germany, the company supported the training measures of the educators with a total of more than 9,000 euros.
Employee naming competition
As part of a competition, Wieland employees submitted more than 300 suggestions for the name of the Wieland day care center. An internal jury selected "Kupfernest" (Copper Nest) as its favorite.
[Image] Wieland Copper Nest
[Image] Group picture from left to right: Ingo Bergmann (Chairman of the Worker’s Welfare Association in Ulm), Dr. Matthias Pauly (SVP Human Resources), Gunter Czisch (Ulm's mayor), Dr. Erwin Mayr (CEO Wieland Group), Bernd Hullak (architect), Adriana Williams (Vice President Marketing & Communications), Eckhart Zimmermann (Vice President Global Engineering)
Get in touch
Wieland Group
Dr. Wolfgang Albeck | Director Corporate Communications
Graf-Arco-Straße 36 | 89079 Ulm | Germany
P +49 152 59719639 | press@wieland.com
Wieland Group
Matthias Pauly | Senior Vice President, Human Resources
Graf-Arco-Straße 36 | 89079 Ulm | Germany
P +49 731 944 2543 | matthias.pauly@wieland.com