Machine tools


Optimum solutions based on customer-specific requirements.

Nasz asortyment produktów

W machine tools skrócie.

Wieland Anlagentechnik

Oto nasze Wieland Anlagentechnik portfolio produktów.

End processing machine

Machining centre

Interconnected systems

Rotary tansfer machine

Multi drilling machines

The EBM end processing machine was developed for the machine engineering of shafts, such as steering racks and stub axles, in series production. What‘s revolutionary is that the workpiece does not rotate; instead, it is processed in a stationary clamping device. This dramatically improves the execution quality and at the same time extends the service life of the tools. Depending on the processing task, the workpiece is machined on one or both sides with up to three spindles per side.

Characteristics and properties of products / materials in this document are generic and provided solely for general information purposes. Any statement regarding the suitability of products / materials for certain types of applications is based on typical requirements and does not replace expert advice. Wieland disclaims all liability arising from any reliance on these documents.

Contact Person

Skontaktuj się z nami - Nasi eksperci od machine tools

Foto Tobias Ziesel Tobias Ziesel
Sales & Marketing
Wieland Anlagentechnik
+49 731 944 1822

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