Heat exchangers


The right solution for any requirement. Heat exchangers made by Wieland Thermal Solutions are marked by their compact, yet highly robust design.


In addition to our in-stock finned tube coils, we also offer customized versions of our heat exchangers. Our expertise in heat transfer and forming technologies – coupled with modern design and construction methods – flows into all of our products.

Our range of products

Our heat exchangers at a glance.

Our complete product range

To show the product portfolio of a specific location, please select the company:

Coaxial heat exchanger WKE | WKC

Wieland WRK

Wieland safety heat exchanger

Finned tube heat exchanger WRW

Customized heat exchangers

Brazed plate heat exchangers

In coaxial heat exchangers, fluids are ideally conducted in counter-flow directions. The Wieland WKE and WKC series have been optimized for the condensation or evaporation of refrigerants and are used in reciprocating chillers and heat pumps.


Your advantages at a glance

  • High specific power due to optimized inner tubes
  • Flow guidance in counterflow
  • Insensitive to frost
  • Low fouling tendency
  • Long service life
  • Reversible operation possible
  • Standard designs from stock


You can find more information here

Data sheet WKC | WKE
Our wholesaler for standard heat exchanger

Calculate your coaxial heat exchanger directly online:

Characteristics and properties of products / materials in this document are generic and provided solely for general information purposes. Any statement regarding the suitability of products / materials for certain types of applications is based on typical requirements and does not replace expert advice. Wieland disclaims all liability arising from any reliance on these documents.

Contact person

Get in touch - Our experts for heat exchangers

Foto Andreas Moritz Andreas Moritz
Heating Applications, Machinery & Plant Technology
Wieland-Werke AG
+49 731 944 1017

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